G stand for my Grandmas’. From whom I got my name. Their names go together like bread and butter.
L is for Latin.
The origin of my name (June) is a Latin based name.
O is for occupy. How my name occupies the void in my father’s
R is because my name is rare. Out of the three hundred thirteen point nine
million people that live in the United States of America about one hundred forty
two people have my name.
I means identity. The identity of my name is versatile. The
meaning of it can be anywhere from creative to aggressive
J represents Juno. Juno is the Roman mythology protector of women
and marriage.
U is for unique. The name I would have had if it was up to my mom.
N is for Native American. In which my name is most common.(Gloria)
E signifies easy to say. Glori-June is not the hardest name to say. Why do people call me Gloria Jean!