"Desperate time cause for desperate measures" is how the saying goes and in my case it was true. It was one in the morning on a dark, cold, snowy January day, and I was still at my friends house when my mother thought I was at home. I knew I had to go home because it was late and my mother would not be out forever, but there was a small problem, my friends mom was sleeping. I had to make a decision either to stay the night at her house and be grounded for life or freeze to death walking home. I rather freeze than get in trouble with my mother. As I was walking out the door I had gotten a text message from my mom saying she would be home soon because she was getting tired. I nearly peed myself, I knew their was no way I was making it three blocks to my house before my mom either seen me or beat me home, but I had to try. I started to run, but it was hard because I had on converse and the snow was up to my frozen ankles. I made it one block before I was out of breath and had to start walking, that is the moment I seen headlights behind me, I started to think of all the excuses my mind could possibly think of in such short notice. I turned around, thank goodness it was not my mom. After that I started to run behind the houses just in case that the next time I seen headlights I was not so lucky. The closer I got to my house the more relived I would get, next thing I knew I was no longer three blocks away, I was three houses away. That is when just a few houses back my moms car was at the stop light. My heart dropped. I was in a race against time and more importantly I was in a race against my mom. I finally made it to my door after what felt like an hour of running, ran inside took off my shoes, locked the doors and got in the shower. When I got out the shower my mom was sitting on the couch, and I said to her " about time your home, its almost two". When she said sorry I knew I was in the clear.
So you now learned never to wear converse shoes, right?