Friday, March 28, 2014


Better Left Unbroken

    Making promises are like a daily routine in my life, because for some strange reason I ooze trust. Good thing I have the self control and wisdom to back up my promises.  Most of the promises I make are insignificant in importance, but I do get a serious one every now and then. No matter how rare it is for me to break a promise, I feel awful afterwards, no matter how small. Just last week I promised my mother I would clean the basement if she would give me money, she agreed with excitement that the basement would not be disgusting. Five days later brings us to today, and I have money in my pocket and one horribly gross basement. Good news is my mother is very lazy and probably would not  notice how dirty the basement is until she forgets about it.

Friday, March 21, 2014


The OGT's

Dear Freshmen,

          Being a freshmen, you are preparing to take your Ohio Graduation Test, OGT's for short, which is very exciting yet a little frighting. So here is a little advice from me, a current sophomore, to you on what to expect when taking the OGT's. First, Do not underestimate them. They appear to be simple, but that is not the case. Second, reread. As I reread some of my answers I realized I messed up on plenty of the trick questions. Lastly, do not stress. The OGT's are a test of how well your memory is, and your ability to comprehend what is in front of you. So with that said I wish you all the luck, and remind you to take extra pencils. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Desperate Measures


           "Desperate time cause for desperate measures" is how the saying goes and in my case it was true. It was one in the morning on a dark, cold, snowy January day, and I was still at my friends house when my mother thought I was at home. I knew I had to go home because it was late and my mother would not be out forever, but there was a small problem, my friends mom was sleeping. I had to make a decision either to stay the night at her house and be grounded for life or freeze to death walking home. I rather freeze than  get in trouble with my mother. As I was walking out the door I had gotten a text message from my mom saying she would be home soon because she was getting tired. I nearly peed myself, I knew their was no way I was making it three blocks to my house before my mom either seen me or beat me home, but I had to try. I started to run, but it was hard because I had on converse and the snow was up to my frozen ankles. I made it one block before I was out of breath and had to start walking, that is the moment I seen headlights behind me, I started to think of all the excuses my mind could possibly think of in such short notice. I turned around, thank goodness it was not my mom. After that I started to run behind the houses just in case that the next time I seen headlights I was not so lucky. The closer I got to my house the more relived I would get, next thing I knew I was no longer three blocks away, I was three houses away. That is when just a few houses back my moms car was at the stop light. My heart dropped. I was in a race against time and more importantly I was in a race against my mom. I finally made it to my door after what felt like an hour of running, ran inside took off my shoes, locked the doors and got in the shower. When I got out the shower my mom was sitting on the couch, and I said to her " about time your home, its almost two". When she said sorry I knew I was in the clear.