Friday, September 6, 2013

My name: Glori-June

G stand for my Grandmas’. From whom
 I got my name. Their names go together like bread and butter.

L is for Latin. The origin of my name (June) is a Latin based name.

O is for occupy. How my name occupies the void in my father’s heart.

R is because my name is rare.  Out of the three hundred thirteen point nine million people that live in the United States of America about one hundred forty two people have my name.

I means identity. The identity of my name is versatile. The meaning of it can be anywhere from creative to aggressive

J represents Juno. Juno is the Roman mythology protector of women and marriage.  

U is for unique. The name I would have had if it was up to my mom.

N is for Native American. In which my name is most common.(Gloria)

E signifies easy to say. Glori-June is not the hardest name to say. Why do people call me Gloria Jean!


  1. I like the way you wrote this. It was really creative.

  2. I liked how you wrote it out, is was different and something I wouldn't have done. I also enjoyed all the facts about your name, pretty cool.

  3. I thought how you wrote the whole poem was really cute. Each part was different & you didn't really repeat anything.

  4. Great job !! I loved the E part (: ~Ivy

  5. I really liked your poem. You can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it.

  6. I thought it was funny and you did a good job

  7. I love how you occupy the void it your fathers heart. That was original and I really liked it.

  8. I like how you wrote your poem by saying things for every letter in your name, it was very good!

  9. I loved it.i love how you said your name occupies your father's heart. It was very touching (:

  10. I like the way you wrote by using an Acronym, Keep up the good work!

  11. It was very fluent and I liked your acronym idea because mine was similar

  12. Glori, great job! Why did you include the reference to Juno? Very interesting! Do you think that meaning has a special influence on your life?

  13. I like how your name is rare. I enjoyed how you told about yourself and through the letters of your name.

  14. I like te way it was written as well as how used the "R for rare" and went to say about the 13.9m people in the US only 142 have your name

  15. You played out the uniqueness of your name well. You had good sentences for your acronyms.

  16. I like the way you did it with the acronym. It gave a lot of different information instead of just a couple facts.
