Saturday, November 9, 2013

My invention

When I was eight I came up with many inventions that I thought would better the world in some way. As I got older I started to forget them one by one, until I had almost none left. Although I still remember one, which I think is the best of all, the Prescription Goggles. I came up with the idea when my cousin and I were swimming, but we could not play any games because she could not see very well. I had asked her “why don’t you where your glasses”, she answered rudely, which I did not mind because I had just came up with the best idea ever. Prescription Goggles would solve many problems for many people, not just for a day in the water, but for marine biologist and divers who are in the water for a living. I was so proud of myself, until I found out they already exist. 

1 comment:

  1. Glori,
    Hopefully you will gain more ideas for inventions as you continue to grow and expand your mind.
